This is an overview of the activities that the students will be participating in. Each day is then linked to the lesson plan. Unit Plan 1 Ann O’Malley and Randi Longmeyer Grade Level: 2nd Table of Contents: Day 1: M&M Graph, take digital pictures, decorate name tags Day 2: floor graph: How do we get to school? Circle graph: What are our favorite subjects? Day 3: Tally Graph: What is your favorite food and drink? Circle Graph: What is your favorite candy? Day 4: Graph data on the computer about the number of TV’s, phones, etc. Day 5: Line graph: Weather Day 6: finish weather graph and make get-well cards for Ms. O'Malley's mother Day 7: Choice of graph: make a graph and survey our class to find information to make the graph Day 8: Circle Graph: Cola War Nature of Students: Students are age 7-8 and all are from North Omaha. They are of different races and different statures. Nebraska Standards: 4.1.3 Students will describe and apply relationships between numbers by order, comparison, and across the operation, such as subtraction as the opposite of addition and multiplication as repeated addition 4.5.1 Students will collect, organize, represent, and interpret numerical and categorical data and clearly communicate the findings. 4.3.1 Students will estimate, measure, and solve problems using metric units for linear measure, area, mass/weight, and capacity. Overview: Purpose: to teach the concepts and benefits of graphing materials, rather than writing the material out in words. Major Goals: to learn how to properly graph information in different ways and to learn how to gather information to form graphs. Ideas: birthday graph using digital camera to take pictures, make graphs that apply to the students daily life Background Information: Rationale for the unit: The girls need to understand why and how to use graphs to make the reading of information easier. In order to read a graph, the reader must have an understanding of why we make graphs. Technological and Societal Context of Inquiry: Graphs are used all the time to present lots of information in a smaller area and in an easier to read way. The girls need to understand the different way’s information can be made and used to inform the public. Teaching and Learning Approaches: We want the girls to understand how graphs can be used in their daily lives and why it is important to understand the concepts behind using them. Unit Objectives: To understand how graphs are made To understand how graphs are used To understand how to read graphs To understand how graphs are used in our daily life Unit Vocabulary: y-axis x-axis circle graph bar graph line graph pictograph tally graph
Initiation: We will begin by introducing ourselves to each other and making a graph using something the girls are familiar-M & M’s. We will discuss the color with the most and least M & M’s, the parts of a graph, and how to read a bar graph. Culminating Activity: Different types of graphs and where we make them (floor, paper, wall, etc.) List of Materials needed for Unit: Crayons/markers M & M’s graph paper Glue masking tape digital camera 3 different types of cola drinks small cups Feedback: Graphs made by students, attitudes of girls when making the graphs will let us know if we need to increase or decrease the difficulty of the activities, cooperation. Evaluation: Graphs, attitudes, cooperation References: Graphing: Child Centered Math, Grades 2-3 from Creative Teaching Press http://teacher.scholastic.com/lessonrepro/lessonplans/profbooks/m980417a.htm Instructor Magazine Jan/Feb 2001 p. 64 |