The Human Body

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Unit Plan

Keeping Your Body Healthy
Randi Longmeyer and Sabrina Requena
Grade Level: 5th and 6th grades

Table of Contents:

Day 1: Zoo presentation preparation, body puzzle

Day 2: Zoo presentation with all of SMART, peer pressure activity

Day 3: The effects of cigarettes on the lungs

Day 4: Alcohol: How it affects you and everyone around you.

Day 5: Food Pyramid

Day 6: Open House preparation/make invitations

Day 7: Open House


Nature of Students: 5th and 6th grade girls, all African American except for 1 Caucasian

Nebraska Content Standards

8.1             Unifying Concepts and Processes – Unifying concepts and process help students think about and integrate a range of basic ideas which builds and understanding of the natural world.

8.1.1         Systems, Order and Organization

a.       Recognize and describe integral parts and functions of any system.

b.      Analyze and predict the interactions within a system and between systems.

c.      Create and use classification schemes.

d.      Interpret cause and effect relationships within and between systems.

8.1.2         Evidence, Models and Explanation

a.       Collect, manipulate, and analyze data from an experiment.

b.      Observe and develop models, such as physical, mathematical, mental, and computer simulations.

c.      Interpret and explain products of experimentation.

d.      Review investigative procedures and conclusions for reasonableness.

8.2             Science as Inquiry – Science as inquiry requires students to combine processes and scientific knowledge with scientific reasoning and critical thinking to develop their understanding of science.

8.2.1         Scientific Inquiry

a.       Identify questions and form hypotheses that can be examined through scientific investigations.

b.      Design and conduct a scientific investigation.

c.      Use appropriate tools and techniques to gather, analyze and interpret data.

d.      Develop descriptions, explanations, predictions, and models using evidence.

e.      Think critically and logically to make the relationship between evidence and explanations.

f.       Recognize and analyze alternative explanations and predictions.

g.      Communicate scientific procedures and explanations.

h.      Use mathematics in all aspects of scientific inquiry.

8.3             Physical Science

8.4             Life Science

8.5             Earth and Space Science

8.6             Science and Technology

8.6.1         Technological Design

a.       Identify appropriate problems for technological design.

b.      Design a solution or product.

c.      Implement completed technological designs or products.

d.      Communicate the process of technological design.

8.6.2         Science and Technology

a.       Distinguish between scientific inquiry and technological design.

b.      Describe how science and technology are reciprocal.

c.      List the avoidable and unavoidable limits of technological design.

d.      Recognize that solutions have intended and unintended consequences.

8.7             Science in Personal and Social Perspectives – A personal and social perspective of science helps a student understand and act on personal and social issues. This perspective builds a foundation for future decision making.

8.7.1         Personal Health

a.       Research and identify substances harmful to human beings in the natural environment, such as radon, lead, and nitrates.

b.      Investigate and explain how personal choices can directly affect a person’s health, such as exercise, nutrition, and use of drugs.


·       Purpose – teach the main elements of the human body and how to keep it healthy

·       Major goals – show the consequences of smoking and drinking and how to keep the body healthy by eating right and exercising.

·       Ideas – alcohol reaction test, lung made out of pop bottle, Web Quest, body puzzle

Background Information

·       Rationale for the unit –The girls need to learn how to keep their bodies healthy from anything that can hurt them and know what peer pressure is and how it affects what we say and do.

·       Content Knowledge – The girls always hear the anti-drugs/anti-alcohol slogans but they never see the real effects that occur on the body. We want the girls to know how drugs and alcohol can effect them personally.

·       Historical Context – Drugs and alcohol pressures have been around for a long time, and many people form a habit before they know the affects on their body. We want the girls to have all the information to make an educated decision before they try something that they could later regret.

·       Technological and Societal Context of Inquiry – We will discuss peer pressure as we discuss smoking and drinking alcohol. This will also be a time for us to hear about past experiences, if any, around drugs and alcohol, so we can see their views.

·       Teaching and Learning Approaches – We want the unit to be something that will interest the girls and will help them with their everyday lives. The more hands on things, the more they will use it in their daily life and relate it to staying healthy.

Unit Objectives

            Learn the effects of drugs and alcohol on your body

            Know the main body parts

            Learn how to keep your body healthy

            Learn the food pyramid and what amount of what types of foods are needed daily   

            Discuss peer-pressure and how it affects people

Unit Vocabulary



arm bone


blood alcohol concentration (BAC)

bones of the lower arm

breast bone

calf bone



collar bone

driving under the influence

five food groups-meat/protein, bread/grains, fruits and vegetables, dairy, and fats

food pyramid

foot bones

hand bones

hip bone

knee cap


shin bone

shoulder bone

skeletal system



tail bone

thigh bone




Initiation –We began by talking about peer pressure. The game starts off by everyone having a card with a direction on it and each person must do what her card says, without showing anyone. We wanted the girls to understand what peer pressure is and how they should react to it.

List of Learning Activities/Daily Lesson Plans:

10-24     Zoo presentation and reflection of zoo trip

Body Puzzle on wall

10-26     Presentation with all of SMART

Peer pressure game

11-2        How do cigarettes harm your body? Lung model experiment and respiratory system

The Great American Smoke Out is 11-16.

11-7        Alcohol and the slowing of reaction time-reaction time experiment-circulatory system

11-9     Food Pyramid

11-14     Make Invitations for Open House

11-16   Open House

Culminating Activity

Peer pressure activity, the “lung” that smoked a cigarette

List of Materials Need for Unit

Paper, markers, computer for each girl to use, cotton ball, cigarette, plastic tubing, lighter, clay


Worksheets done with web sites, the anti-smoking posters and what each poster said, zoo poster presentation, body puzzle on the wall


Worksheets done by students, posters, body puzzle, Zoo poster



            All About My Skeleton: Activity Book by Sonia W. Black

            Denise Henson’s body unit from her kindergarten classroom

            Creative Teaching Press (book from Denise Henson)

           “Teaching the Food Guide Pyramid Using Multiple Intelligence Learning Centers” by                 Patricia A. Cost and Jennifer M. Turley from the Journal of Health Education,                 March/April 2000, Volume 31, No. 2


            “Drugs and Your Body” from the Creative Teaching Press



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