Day 1-The Human Body

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TITLE: The Body: Day 1

AUTHOR: Randi Longmeyer and Sabrina Requena

GRADE: 5th and 6th

INTEGRATED DISCIPLINES: art, cooperative learning


As a result of activities in grades 5-8, all students should develop

·        Abilities necessary to do scientific inquiry

·        Understandings about scientific inquiry

As a result of their activities in grades 5-8, all students should develop understanding of 

·        Populations and ecosystems

·        Diversity and adaptations of organisms


8.1             Unifying Concepts and Processes – Unifying concepts and process help students think about and integrate a range of basic ideas which builds and understanding of the natural world.

8.1.1         Systems, Order and Organization

a.       Recognize and describe integral parts and functions of any system.

b.      Analyze and predict the interactions within a system and between systems.

c.      Create and use classification schemes.

d.      Interpret cause and effect relationships within and between systems.

8.1.2         Evidence, Models and Explanation

a.       Collect, manipulate, and analyze data from an experiment.

b.      Observe and develop models, such as physical, mathematical, mental, and computer simulations.

c.      Interpret and explain products of experimentation.

d.      Review investigative procedures and conclusions for reasonableness.

8.2             Science as Inquiry – Science as inquiry requires students to combine processes and scientific knowledge with scientific reasoning and critical thinking to develop their understanding of science.

8.3             Physical Science

8.4             Life Science

8.5             Earth and Space Science

8.6             Science and Technology

8.7             Science in Personal and Social Perspectives – A personal and social perspective of science helps a student understand and act on personal and social issues. This perspective builds a foundation for future decision making.

8.7.1         Personal Health

a.       Research and identify substances harmful to human beings in the natural environment, such as radon, lead, and nitrates.

b.      Investigate and explain how personal choices can directly affect a person’s health, such as exercise, nutrition, and use of drugs.


OBJECTIVES: discuss the environment of the animals at the zoo, make poster to show the rest of SMART, put skeleton puzzle together on wall

MATERIALS: poster board, glue, pictures from trip, zoo journals


Anticipatory Set: look at zoo journals, and compare the environments of the different animals




Arm Bone



Breast Bone

Calf Bone



Collar Bone


Foot Bones

Hand Bones

Hip Bone

Knee Cap


Shin Bone

Shoulder Bone


Tail Bone

Thigh Bone


Activities: make zoo poster and have a discussion about the body so we can see what the interest level is.

Provision for special needs: share our experiences with the girls that weren’t there so that everyone is included.

CLOSURE: Let everyone practice their part of the presentation for Thursday.

ASSESSMENT: Did the girls understand that not all animals live in the same conditions, even though they all live in the zoo? Was the poster made successfully? Is everyone included in the presentation? How well did everyone work together? Body puzzle was put together correctly.

References: zoo journals


                    All About My Skeleton: Activity Book by Sonia W. Black


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