Day 5-The Human Body

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TITLE: The Body: Day 5

AUTHOR: Randi Longmeyer and Sabrina Requena

GRADE: 5th and 6th grades

INTEGRATED DISCIPLINES: Social Studies, Health, Technology


As a result of activities in grades 5-8, all students should develop understanding of

·        Personal health

·        Populations, resources, and environments


8.1             Unifying Concepts and Processes – Unifying concepts and process help students think about and integrate a range of basic ideas which builds and understanding of the natural world.

8.2             Science as Inquiry – Science as inquiry requires students to combine processes and scientific knowledge with scientific reasoning and critical thinking to develop their understanding of science.

8.3             Physical Science

8.4             Life Science

8.5             Earth and Space Science

8.6             Science and Technology

8.6.1         Science and Technology

a.       Distinguish between scientific inquiry and technological design.

b.      Describe how science and technology are reciprocal.

c.      List the avoidable and unavoidable limits of technological design.

d.      Recognize that solutions have intended and unintended consequences.

8.7             Science in Personal and Social Perspectives – A personal and social perspective of science helps a student understand and act on personal and social issues. This perspective builds a foundation for future decision making.

8.7.1         Personal Health

a.       Research and identify substances harmful to human beings in the natural environment, such as radon, lead, and nitrates.

b.     Investigate and explain how personal choices can directly affect a person’s health, such as exercise,                 nutrition, and use of drugs.

OBJECTIVES: Learn about the different parts of the food pyramid, find out how much of each section is needed daily, see if you are eating healthy, find out how many calories and fat grams are in the fast food that we eat.

MATERIALS: computers, worksheets with web instructions on them


Anticipatory Set: discuss the different parts of the food pyramid and how each of us should follow the guidelines that it gives us.

Vocabulary: food groups, meat/protein group, dairy group, fruits/vegetables group, grain/bread group, fat group

Activities: Each girl puts in her personal daily menu to see if she is eating the correct, look at the calorie and nutrition value of food from out favorite fast food restaurants

Provision for special needs: help anyone that needs help understanding the directions of the worksheet.

CLOSURE: talk about the amount of foods that everyone eats daily, and discuss the intended amount of food that is needed.

ASSESSMENT: worksheet with food pyramid information, web quest completion



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