Day 4-The Human Body

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TITLE: The Body: Day 4

AUTHOR: Randi Longmeyer and Sabrina Requena

GRADE: 5th and 6th grades

INTEGRATED DISCIPLINES: computer technology, social sciences, math,


As a result of activities in grades 5-8, all students should develop understanding of

·        Personal health

·        Populations, resources, and environments


8.1             Unifying Concepts and Processes – Unifying concepts and process help students think about and integrate a range of basic ideas which builds and understanding of the natural world.

8.2             Science as Inquiry – Science as inquiry requires students to combine processes and scientific knowledge with scientific reasoning and critical thinking to develop their understanding of science.

8.2.1         Scientific Inquiry

a.       Identify questions and form hypotheses that can be examined through scientific investigations.

b.      Design and conduct a scientific investigation.

c.      Use appropriate tools and techniques to gather, analyze and interpret data.

d.      Develop descriptions, explanations, predictions, and models using evidence.

e.      Think critically and logically to make the relationship between evidence and explanations.

f.       Recognize and analyze alternative explanations and predictions.

g.      Communicate scientific procedures and explanations.

h.      Use mathematics in all aspects of scientific inquiry.

8.3             Physical Science

8.4             Life Science

8.5             Earth and Space Science

8.6             Science and Technology

8.7             Science in Personal and Social Perspectives – A personal and social perspective of science helps a student understand and act on personal and social issues. This perspective builds a foundation for future decision-making.

8.7.1         Personal Health

a.       Research and identify substances harmful to human beings in the natural environment, such as radon, lead, and nitrates.

b.     Investigate and explain how personal choices can directly affect a person’s health, such as exercise, nutrition, and use of drugs.

OBJECTIVES: find the personal and physical effects of the alcohol that you may drink or that others may drink, learn the BAC of Nebraska and other states, find the consequences if you are found to be drinking and driving.

MATERIALS: computers, Web worksheet


Anticipatory Set: We took the girls through a virtual party, where they could choose what character they wanted to be and then choose the path the character takes through out the party.

Vocabulary: alcohol, BAC, concentration, DUI

Activities: The girls begin at the web page listed below and were each given a sheet of directions to follow. They began at the virtual party and ended at a page that gives laws and also has an Intoxometer, which lets you decide how much a person drinks in a set amount of time, and then gives you the BAC. The web site also gives the effects on the human body, depending on the BAC.

Provision for special needs: make sure everyone uses the computer

CLOSURE: talk about how alcohol affects all of us, even if we aren’t drinking

ASSESSMENT: See if the questions on the worksheet were filled out accurately.



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