Day 4

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Graphing- Day 4

Author: Randi Longmeyer and Ann O’Malley

Grade: 2nd

Integrated disciplines: technology

NE Standards:

4.1.3 Students will be describe and apply relationships between numbers by order, comparison, and across the operation, such as subtraction as the opposite of addition and multiplication as repeated addition.

4.5.1 Students will collect, organize, represent, and interpret numerical and categorical data and clearly communicate the findings.

Objectives: make a graph on the computer using the web site to compare how many pieces of technology are in each student’s home

Provision for special needs: give a very detailed instructional list to help the students make their online graph

Materials: computers, worksheet of online directions (Click here for worksheet)



Teacher:  We will lead the students into the computer lab and take them to the first page of the web quest. We will then allow them to make their own graph describing the amount of technology in their home. We will walk around and help individual students as they work through the project.

Student: Each girl will work through the web quest, following the directions on the computer and ask for help when they have a problem.

Closure: We will print each graph and compare the differences of each girl’s graph.

Assessment: the printed graph and how well the student followed directions


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