Graphing Instruction Worksheet

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Name: _________________

  Internet Graphing

1.     When you sit down at the computer, double-click on Internet Explorer. Type the web address: Read the first page.

2.    At the bottom of the first page choose the type of graph you would like to use. Chose either a bar graph or a pie chart (hint: a pie chart is just like the circle graphs we made earlier in SMART) What kind did you choose? ____________________

3.    Put 5 in the place where it asks for the number of bars or pieces of the pie. Click the “GO” button.

4.    Where it says Title type in something about “Technology in My Home”. Make sure your name is in the title. (Example: Technology in Ms. Longmeyer’s house)

5.    The names of the 5 pieces or bars: TV, telephone, computer, VCR/DVD player, and CD player. You can put these 5 categories in any order you want.

6.    In the number column, fill in the numbers for each of these items in your house. If you don’t have any put 0 in the spot.

7.    Chose the color that you want for each piece or bar.

8.    When you have all of your information in the correct spots, click the “Submit” button.

9.    Look at the Awesome graph that YOU made!!!!!

10. To print, ASK either Ms. O’Malley or Ms. Longmeyer to help you.


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