Day 2

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Graphing- Day 2

Author: Randi Longmeyer and Ann O’Malley

Grade: 2nd

Integrated disciplines: art

NE Standards:

4.1.3 Students will be describe and apply relationships between numbers by order, comparison, and across the operation, such as subtraction as the opposite of addition and multiplication as repeated addition.

4.5.1 Students will collect, organize, represent, and interpret numerical and categorical data and clearly communicate the findings.

Objectives: make a list of rules and post them, make a bar graph on the floor using the girls as the objects used to make a bar graph describing how everyone gets to school, make a circle graph describing the relationship of each girl to a favorite school subject

Provision for special needs: discuss the rules and post them, so everyone knows the rules

Materials: masking tape, labels for each bar on the floor, worksheet to make circle graph on, markers/crayons



Teacher:  We will write down the rules that the girls make. We will then discuss the different ways to get to school, have the girls take a seat on the floor in the column that they belong in, and guide the girls in a discussion about why we make different types of graph and how we can use them. We will lead the girls in gathering information to make a circle graph about their favorite subjects and guide them as they make their own. Each girl will then hang her graph on the wall to show the different ways you can make graphs by using different symbols and colors.

Student: Each girl will take a turn making a rule for our list. The girls will then move onto the floor to make our bar graph that shows how everyone gets to school. The girls will answer questions regarding the graph that we made on the floor. The girls will each give their information to the teachers so we can write it on the board for everyone to see. The girls will then help make an example circle graph on the board, so we can show how each graph can have the same information but still look very different. The girls will make their own graph, using their favorite colors/shapes to label each section. The graphs will then be displayed so everyone can see the diversity.

Closure: We will hang our circle graphs and discuss the information that our circle graphs give us

Assessment: teamwork of the girls to gather the information for our graphs, cooperation of sharing and accuracy of the graph


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