Graphing- Day 8 Author: Randi Longmeyer and Ann O’Malley
NE Standards: 4.1.3
Students will be describe and apply relationships between numbers by order,
comparison, and across the operation, such as subtraction as the opposite of
addition and multiplication as repeated addition. 4.5.1
Students will collect, organize, represent, and interpret numerical and
categorical data and clearly communicate the findings. Objectives:
make a tally graph with the girl’s favorite
drinks. Have the girl’s taste test a variety of drinks and graph the results. Provision for special needs: have the girls under control, have the cups ready
and make sure the girls understand the purpose of the taste testing. Materials: small
cups, a variety of pop, graph paper Procedures:
Springboard: Teacher: We
will explain to the girls that this is the last day on graphs. We will then
explain to them that our last graph will contain information about the girl’s
favorite drinks. We will have the girls under control and quiet during the taste
testing. After the taste testing we will help the girls put the information that
we have learned into their own tally graph. Student: Each girl will calmly and quietly test the variety
of drinks. After everyone has completed the taste testing they will complete
their line graph with the information we have collected. Closure: We
will hang each of the student’s graphs up and discuss the information that
their graphs give us Assessment: teamwork
of the girls to gather the information for our graphs, cooperation of sharing
the drinks and accuracy of the graph |