Matthew’s Dream Spring 2001 Author: Randi Longmeyer
Read Matthew’s Dream by Leo Lionni
together as a class, move around the room in response to the beats of the music
while using colored scarves or streamers to help show feeling and action Provision for special needs: allow shy students to be the audience and describe
what colors were seen Materials: streamers or scarves of different colors, slow waltz
music or any other kind that is appropriate for the activity, tape/CD player Procedures:
Teacher: I will read the story to the class. I will then
arrange the students in a circle on the floor and play music for the students to
move to. I will pick students to move around the room with scarves or streamers.
When the music is done, I will ask the audience to describe the colors and how
they felt. Student: Students will listen to the story and then sit in
a circle on the floor. They will listen to music and move to the music. Some
students will be picked to move around the room with a scarf or streamer while
the other students are the audience. When the music is done, the audience will
describe what they saw and how they felt. Closure: We
will discuss how dance shows feelings and relates to our lives every day. Assessment: individual
activity, depending on what the student does and how he/she acts, interaction
with other students, understanding of the different possible feelings that
individuals may have Source: Story
Stretchers for the Primary Grades: Activities to Expand Children’s Favorite
Books by Shirley
C. Raines and Robert J. Canady ISBN: 0-87659-157-8 |