Charlotte's Web

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Charlotte’s Web: make Charlotte

Spring 2001

Author: Randi Longmeyer

Grade: 3rd to 5th

Integrated disciplines: art, literature

Objectives: read Charlotte’s Web by E.B. White, make a papier mache Charlotte

Provision for special needs: make papier mache mix ahead of time, help blow up balloons for students who need it

Materials: newspapers, balloons, 5 lbs. of flour (for about 20 kids), big pale for papier mache mixture, black and white tempra paint, brushes, black pipe cleaners for legs, pans for papier mache mix, water


Teacher: I will read Charlotte’s Web to the class and then we will discuss how to make papier mache spiders. We would talk about the rules that go along with this activity such as, keep all mix to yourself and don’t get it on anyone else. I would make the papier mache mix ahead of time, depending on the maturity level of the students, I might allow them to make it.

Student: We will cover area with newspaper before starting so clean up is easier. Each student will blow up his or her balloon. They will then tear strips of about 1 inch from the newspaper.  I will distribute the papier mache mixture. Students will dip strips of paper in pans and wrap 2 layers around the balloon. We will let the balloon dry overnight. The next day students will tape pipe cleaners onto the balloon and bed to look like legs. We will wrap 2 more layers on the balloon and let dry over night again. The next day we will insert a pin to pop the balloon and then paint it black and add white eyes. Let dry and you are done.

Closure: We will display the Charlotte’s around the room for everyone to see.

Assessment: following directions, cooperation of students, construction of Charlotte,



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