Teach?” Randi
Longmeyer Introduction
to Education Dr.
Little September
16, 1999
I have wanted to become a teacher since I was little. I have always been
close to one of my teachers and he has helped me in many ways. I want to be able
to give a child what my teacher has given me. Being
able to help a child read a book or add two numbers together has always given me
a sense of accomplishment. I love to see the expression on a child’s face when
he or she understands an idea or problem. It’s like the whole world is opening
up to them and it’s because of what I taught them. One
thing I have always remembered about helping in my mother’s kindergarten
classroom is the day I had one of my classmates tell me I had to teach both of
his cousins in that class to tie their shoes. I had taught one and my classmate
could not teach the other. He didn’t understand how I had the patience to
teach him such a difficult task. This made me realize that if I could make one
child do something that his cousin couldn’t teach him, then maybe I could
teach other children.
Since I began taking this class and my special education class, I have
begun to see a lot of the problems children face that I have never dealt with. I
guess you could say that I have lead a sheltered life but that is because my
family has always been very close and I have lived in a small town all of my